Bora Scura in ACL 2018 – The Year’s Best Winter Music

Thanks to climate change, many of us are experiencing longer, colder winters. It’s no surprise that winter music is also on the rise. This was a particularly good year for the genre, as demonstrated in two early-year round-ups. Now that the weather is turning cold again, many of us have already experienced frost-furling lows and record-setting snows.

These composers understand the season of white, and their works reflect their cold passion. These are songs to play indoors by a raging fire, or perhaps while driving through snow on the way to a family gathering. They remind us not only of our own winters, but of regions locked in permanent winter: Eskimos on the hunt, explorers trapped in ice, the unforgiving tundra.

The Slovenian town of Ajdovščina experiences a yearly average of 42 days of 200kph wind known as Bora.  The field recordist traveled to the town to capture these frightening yet alluring sounds.  This doesn’t sound like a place one wants to walk around ~ it’s certainly not worth the risk to pop down to the pub for a pint.  (Imagine the froth blowing away, then the glass, then the person holding it!)  But this does make for a very exciting album, as one man’s courage becomes our collective treat.


Categories: Reviews