PureH @ Errant Bodies project space

A collection of audio works from practitioners around the world concerned with and focused on The Stranger …. that is over there, that is right in front, that is moving away, that is fast approaching, at the next table, sitting across, staring into space, with nothing to do, that brushes passed, or that bumps into me, outside, on the beach, that interrupts, and that suddenly lends a hand, as the embodiment of city life, that I cannot overlook, whose fortune is to remain on the periphery, who dislikes being a stranger, riding his bike, that stops to look into the window, on her phone, that is no one and everywhere, that I do not know nor ever will, whose eyes never stop moving, that smiles at us or that seems threatening, that loves to sing in public, without a home, and that I wish to meet, that I overhear, and as a question of community.

Saturday, June 14th, 6 – 11pm / audio diffusion

Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin

Organized by Brandon LaBelle in collaboration with Osso, Lisbon

Categories: Live